CINCINNATI MACHINES TriCentric 3-Spindle Multi-Axis, Multi-Surface ID/OD Grinding Center is truly a cutting edge internal grinder and external grinder, all in one machine.
With TriCentric, once the part is loaded, the machine can grind virtually and internal grinding, OD grinding, and profile grinding within the machine parameters. And you can accomplish all of this all in a single setup, with optimum part concentricity and accuracy.
Spindle 1
Spindle 1 for normal OD grinding operations
Spindle 2
Spindle 2 is an angle shape wheel that can be presented to the part to accomplish simultaneous grinding of the part OD and adjacent shoulder to accomplish outstanding concentricity between the OD and the shoulder.
Spindle 3
Spindle 3 is for any internal grinding requirements, and again all of these operations are accomplished in 1 setup